Cassy Collins, LCSW
Legal Statement
Effective Date: March 7, 2024
Gainingprespectivecounseling.com is owned and operated by Cassaundra Collins, LCSW who can be contacted at:
Email: cassy@gainingperspectivecounseling.com
Phone: (208) 732-2072
Twin Falls, ID
gainingperspectivecousneling.com and Cassaundra Collins, LCSW are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our website users and maintain the confidentiality of the personal data you provide.
Privacy Policy
This privacy policy explains how we collect, use and protect your data. By using our website you agree to the terms outlined in this policy. Personal data collected non-automatically which would be obtained from the contact form includes: First and Last Name, Email address, and any information you choose to disclose in the "contact me" section. This data is only used for the purpose to help us communicate with the client. Personal data collected automatically which is when you visit the website is in the form of an IP address and location and is only used for website analytics. In order to protect your security, gainingperspectivecounseling.com uses the strongest available browser encryption. All data is only accessible to Cassaundra Collins, LCSW. Cassaundra Collins, LCSW is bound by a strict confidentiality agreement.
Our website utilizes a standard technology called “cookies” which is a small file stored on a user’s hard drive by a website. The purpose is to collect data relating to the user’s browsing habits. You can choose to disable cookies entirely in your internet browser, but this may decrease the quality of your user experience. This privacy policy may be amended from time to time in order to maintain compliance with the law and to reflect any change to our data collection process.
While we take all reasonable precautions to ensure that user data is secure and that users are protected, there always remains the risk of harm. The internet as a whole can be insecure at times and therefore we are unable to guarantee the security of user data beyond what is reasonably practical.
Contact inquiries are sent to an end-to-end encrypted mailbox that only Cassaundra Collins, LCSW has access to. Contact inquiries are sent to a mailbox with storage using an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm, AES-256 that has Cassaundra Collins, LCSW as the administrator and sole user.
Age Restrictions
The minimum age to use our website is 18 years of age. We do not knowingly collect or use personal data of anyone under the age of 18. We do not assume any legal responsibility for false statements about age.
Terms & Conditions
By using our website you agree to the terms outlined in this policy. Information contained on this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for treatment or consultation with a mental health professional. Information contained on the social media accounts belonging to gaining perspectivecounseling.com and Cassaundra Collins, LCSW is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for treatment or consultation with a mental health professional. Communication in any form through social medial platforms does not constitute a therapeutic or business relationship of any kind. For confidentiality reasons it is inadvisable for past and future clients to comment or send direct messages through social media. Cassaundra Collins, LCSW will not be liable for any actions, claims, losses, damages, liabilities and expenses including legal fees from your use of this site.
Gainingperspectivecounseling.com and Cassaundra Collins, LCSW reserve the right to change these conditions from time to time as they see fit. Your continued use of the site will signify your acceptance of any adjustments. When we amend or make modification we will update the “Effective Date”.
If you have any questions or concerns you can contact Cassaundra Collins, LCSW at:
Email: cassy@gainingperspectivecounseling.com
Phone: (208) 732-2072